

Yana 具体说明:

thougt more about it.. in terms of what could really motivate me to take You see right now i am just in a situation where either going or not going is ok because each involves pros and cons.. So for going to canada and staying with a homestay family, i think what i am really hoping for, or trying to create even - is a "1+1 > greater than 2" situation. so pls let me try to explain with an example...

I actually quite enjoy to think of it, if,for example, you could find e - i think then i can spend time and play not only with my own daughter but also with the kids of the host family. And given covid19 it's probably financially more challenging for them in the current economic environment so having

the income from an international student's homestay fee as well additional help from me - since i'd be more than happy to, say, take all of the kids out and shoulder the expense - that would reduce the burden of the mother greatly and make us almost like a family..haha.. well this is just a thought so that you'll understand my point - which is simply that if our arrival could actually make a difference in another family's situation then i think it'd be quite meaningful and worthwhile for me opt to going..and i hope this makes sense to you..

On the other hand i know though it's also possiblefor another year and i could also do the same - i am more interested in finding more business and immigration up having to babysit my own daugher all the time in canada when she doesn't have other kids to play with - that would totally defeat the purpose of me going with her.. Really at her current age i dont care too much about her school experience; instead i'd rather want most of her experience in Canada to be about her off-school time with siblings - since as an only child she doesn't get that at all in Hong Kong..

to help me with this.. and i am very grateful.. so i am happy to actually pay your more for your service which btw is already excellent —— so if you could kindly help me find the right host family with kids or maybe find a few options to consider, then pls allow me to offer you more since there is some extre money which Faith's mom had sent you last time when she sent the agent fee twice - i'd rather want to you to keep that extra fee for your services because you'll totally deserve it and i won't feel so bad asking you to go through the trouble.

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